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Another Bible Reading Plan...

"New year, new me." This is the anthem cry of millions of dissatisfied people this time of year hoping for a fresh start. It is quite amazing when you think of it. This is the universal and natural tendency of human beings to look back in reflection of the past year and to look forward in resolution of the new. This is also the time of year where many Christians begin the year with the resolution to get in the Word more often and more consistently. Despite all the flak of not making it past Leviticus (which by the way is bologna because Leviticus is AMAZING!), it is an important resolution.

Our church family has decided to take on this resolution together by reading through the entire New Testament in 2017. The goal of this resolution is not to just simply check off the box of Bible reading (although there are boxes), but to read slowly and carefully through the library of the New Testament. We want more than just our people getting into the Word, we want the Word to get in our people. Thus, we've put together a Bible reading plan with this in mind.

It may sound daunting to read through the whole entire New Testament in a year, especially if you are new Christian like many in our church family. However, it is simply one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, with a catch up day on Saturday, and a break on Sunday (for corporate worship and Scripture reading of course!). We would love for you to join with us in our resolution. You can download our reading guide by clicking here and you can sign up to get daily reminders with more content by clicking here (fill out the info and be sure to confirm your subscription!).

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